© 2021-2022 OBD Software


Wings Over The Reich - WW2 Combat Flight Simulator for PC
"…the campaign is excellentthe AI is extremely good. The whole package makes me feel part of a squadron, in the thick of it … 109's that will boom and zoom instead of an endless turn fight, the list goes on.” -Trooper117, September 17 2018 IL2 forum “…ten Stuka dive bombing, every one attacking different targets, I watched as they all dive bombed (this kind of AI has never been so well done in any sim before)” -meplanes1969, September 8 2018 "… I have simply had so much fun so far. I have never smiled so much at virtual dogfights as I have in WoTR. I am very much looking forward to the next phase." - ChiefWH, September 29th SimHQ comment The combat is something else! Excellent AI… Don't get me started on that campaign as well ... Nothing else like it. -Lythronax, Posted September 8 IL2 forum “I'm really enjoying the sim, me and my squad mates had a awesome battle over the channel last night, it was arguably some of the best dogfighting action I've had in any sim to date it was awesome. Thanks OBD I'm loving the sim the AI is worth the price alone, the radio sounds the campaign… keep up the great work guys.” - Adger, September 29th SimHQ comment "….really enjoying this sim. The immersion is top notch, especially with the sound design. The campaigns are particularly intense …. thought I was clear when all of the sudden the cockpit explodes with gunfire. Made me jump two feet out of my seat! Great work guys! PS: Also managed to ditch in the Channel successfully! That was a white-knuckle moment!" -CaptSopwith, October 2nd 2018 SimHQ comment “What a wonderful job you have done in producing WOTR. I honestly have to say after just a few missions that OBD has taken WOTR one notch above WOFF UE, and I Love WOFF UE also, but this just visually looks Fresh and feels really good in the FM department and the music… I just want to say that the pics I have posted are straight from the game, no Photoshop what so ever. What fabulous visuals WOTR presents us with. Thanks Again Guys. S! -Blade_Meister, October 20th 2018 SimHQ comment (image below too) “I was genuinely saddened. I'm so used to just replaying the mission and continuing with a career in other sims that the death of my pilot came as quite a shock. …in all my years of combat flight simming this is the only sim where I've felt a genuine connection with the Squadron and the others in the flight, and have been keen to defend them in the skies… … I've watched in horror as on the approach to the home airfield, one of my flight mates started trailing smoke and eventually dropped out of formation. He managed to bail out (phew!). That is the first time I've ever seen an AI pilot suffer random engine failure in game. There was also one occasion where my wingman was was posted as missing, presumed killed. With much relief he managed to make it back to the Squadron and return to flying my wing, only to be killed by the enemy on the day he returned… I'm well impressed with the WOTR! I've never flown missions from start to finish with as much enthusiasm, or felt the adrenaline pump when in a dogfight; my main aim being to survive and return to base. Excellent stuff.” -PO_Klonko: Re: Combat Reports - March 5th 2019 AAR thread SIMHQ http://simhq.net/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4464033#Post4464033
Check out the After Action Reports in our forum - some great posts, screenshots, videos. User ‘Blade’ posted this with some superb screenshots
“…I had two outstandingly exciting and enjoyable missions and I was also surprised to see that some really large formations weren't having any noticeable effect on my performance. I had a brilliant fight with a 109 in one mission, so much so I was almost saluting the monitor as he went down, possibly the best combat flight I have had in any sim, ever. And then in the next mission it was just astonishingly good fun diving through a formation of he111s, I was grinning from ear to ear...” -ChiefWH, December 17 2018 SimHQ comment
PC Pilot in their March/April 2019 issue have published a new Wings Over The Reich article. it’s an interview with us here at OBD Software regarding WOTR development, together with some excellent pictures from WOTR. The article is well worth a read. Buy PC Pilot as a glossy printed magazine or in digital format from https://pcpilot.keypublishing.com/ We are hoping it will be followed with a review in the coming issues.
Thanks for the Spit, she is a work of Art. Flew her this morning Sweet.! -Carrick58 Thank you. Great job with it! -Redwolf I must say I am very impressed with the Spit. The cockpit is immaculate… …Fantastic job OBD!! She really is a treat. -Lythronax The Spitfire is a great addition! Really like the flight model … As a single player only type of guy, I really appreciate your efforts. -piper Excellent addition. Thanks to all in making this happen. -Stache I flew it last night and had great fun. It is not just a Hurricane in a different skin, lol. -Burning Beard Brilliant,absolutely brilliant thanks … - Blade_meister Brlliant! The changes to the campaign sound great (time functions new airfields and group activity, subtle fixes here and there etc.). (and of course the spitfire is exciting!). -ChiefWH The list of improvements alone is impressive, let alone the Spitfire flyable (for free, no less). Great! -77_Scout “Spitfire's a treat to fly … an absolute joy to fly. Loving it…” -JonRedcorn ”Thank you for adding this content for free! I know how tempting it might be to monetize something as player-requested as the Spit, so I really do appreciate the work ethic and only want to support OBD's work more as a result! -CCIP “Got the new Spit downloaded and flew a mission. Fantastic! But then I would not expect anything less from OBD” -MFair I'm not normally the sort to fire off praise for cockpit graphics, (or even the aircraft models) because I suppose I expect high quality from anything that you pay for these days (whilst somewhat unfair on those who do the builds to have such high expectations, it is kind of the industry standard to have gorgeous cockpits and models). But since 'sitting in' the Spitfire I've found myself marvelling at how really nice it is, all the little texture touches here and there, just really nicely done; the 'industry standard' has certainly been achieved. So I break with my usual silence on this aspect to say: "Wow, the spitfire cockpit is gorgeous!" -ChiefWH SimHQ forum
A few WOTR forum user comments about the new V1.14 update with the Spitfire MKIa flyable - a FREE DLC for WINGS OVER THE REICH owners. This Spitfire is what we believe is the one of, if not THE most authentic rendition of a MKIa Spitfire in a PC Combat Flight Simulator:
More great comments about Wings Over The Reich from the people actually flying it:
19th July 2019 We are pleased to announce flightsim.com have published their review of WOTR, a direct link is here. The review is a great one! “For a WWII simulator you won't get better than this” “The campaign in Wings Over The Reich is also both challenging and rewarding”
“Well done chaps, you managed to create a game/sim so immersive like nothing I have ever played. Il2 Box has taken a back seat for now (as great as it is), this game feel so real. I would put this up there with WITP AE as far as war sims go, amazing game. Hoping more people will buy and thus continue expansions.” -KamikazeGrandad, 25 July 2019 SimHQ comment
5 January 2022 WOTR Review A new in depth video review is available by SmartWargames on Youtube;
20 April 2022 WOTR Review Another new review is available on Flightsim.com!
This is looking at the latest updated version of WOTR (see the Downloads page for the free large update!) “OBD Software has produced possibly the best single player sim for Battle of Britain buffs on the market.” “Atmospheric Immersion is Great” “… if you want to really jump into a Hurricane, Spitfire or BF 109 to see if you'd survive in the Battle of Britain, this is the game to do it in”
© 2018-2022 OBD Software
“...I had two outstandingly exciting and enjoyable missions and I was also surprised to see that some really large formations weren't having any noticeable effect on my performance. I had a brilliant fight with a 109 in one mission, so much so I was almost saluting the monitor as he went down, possibly the best combat flight I have had in any sim, ever. And then in the next mission it was just astonishingly good fun diving through a formation of he111s, I was grinning from ear to ear...” -ChiefWH, December 17 2018 SimHQ comment "…the campaign is excellentthe AI is extremely good. The whole package makes me feel part of a squadron, in the thick of it … 109's that will boom and zoom instead of an endless turn fight, the list goes on.” - Trooper117, September 17 2018 IL2 forum “…ten Stuka dive bombing, every one attacking different targets, I watched as they all dive bombed (this kind of AI has never been so well done in any sim before)” - meplanes1969, September 8 2018 "… I have simply had so much fun so far. I have never smiled so much at virtual dogfights as I have in WoTR. I am very much looking forward to the next phase." - ChiefWH, September 29th SimHQ comment The combat is something else! Excellent AI… Don't get me started on that campaign as well ... Nothing else like it. - Lythronax, Posted September 8 IL2 forum “I'm really enjoying the sim, me and my squad mates had a awesome battle over the channel last night, it was arguably some of the best dogfighting action I've had in any sim to date it was awesome. Thanks OBD I'm loving the sim the AI is worth the price alone, the radio sounds the campaign… keep up the great work guys.” - Adger, September 29th SimHQ comment "Put in a few more hours this evening - really enjoying this sim. The immersion is top notch, especially with the sound design. The campaigns are particularly intense …. thought I was clear when all of the sudden the cockpit explodes with gunfire. Made me jump two feet out of my seat! Great work guys! PS: Also managed to ditch in the Channel successfully! That was a white-knuckle moment!" - CaptSopwith, October 2nd 2018 SimHQ comment
In their March/April 2019 issue PC Pilot published a new Wings Over The Reich article. it’s an interview with us at OBD Software regarding Wings Over The Reich development, together with some excellent pictures. The article is well worth a read, as is the rest of the magazine. You can buy PC Pilot as a glossy printed magazine or in digital format from https://pcpilot.keypublishing.com/ We are hoping it will be followed with a review in the coming issues.
Excellent addition. Thanks to all in making this happen. -Stache The list of improvements alone is impressive, let alone the Spitfire flyable (for free, no less). Great! -77_Scout
Thanks for the Spit, she is a work of Art. Flew her this morning Sweet.! -Carrick58 I must say I am very impressed with the Spit. The cockpit is immaculate… …Fantastic job OBD!! She really is a treat. -Lythronax The Spitfire is a great addition! Really like the flight model … As a single player only type of guy, I really appreciate your efforts. -piper “Spitfire's a treat to fly … an absolute joy to fly. Loving it…” -JonRedcorn “Got the new Spit downloaded and flew a mission. Fantastic! But then I would not expect anything less from OBD” -MFair Brilliant,absolutely brilliant thanks … - Blade_meister ”Thank you for adding this content for free! I know how tempting it might be to monetize something as player-requested as the Spit, so I really do appreciate the work ethic and only want to support OBD's work more as a result! -CCIP I flew it last night and had great fun. -Burning Beard Thank you. Great job with it! -Redwolf Brlliant! The changes to the campaign sound great (time functions new airfields and group activity, subtle fixes here and there etc.). (and of course the spitfire is exciting!). -ChiefWH

and some superb comments from the

people playing WOTR:

First few WOTR forum comments about the new V1.14 update with the FREE Spitfire Mk Ia flyable aircraft! We believe it is the most authentic rendition of a Spitfire Mk Ia in a PC Combat Flight Simulator.
19th July 2019 We are pleased to announce flightsim.com have published a new review of WOTR, a direct link is here. The review is a great one! “For a WWII simulator you won't get better than this”
5 January 2022 WOTR Review A new in depth video review is available by SmartWargames on Youtube;
20 April 2022 WOTR Review Another new review is available on Flightsim.com!
“OBD Software has produced possibly the best single player sim for Battle of Britain buffs on the market.” “Atmospheric Immersion is Great” “… if you want to really jump into a Hurricane, Spitfire or BF 109 to see if you'd survive in the Battle of Britain, this is the game to do it in”